Thursday, March 31, 2016

NY Governor Anti-Christian Stance

Prohibiting State Funded Or State Sponsored Travel To North Carolina

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today signed an executive order banning all non-essential state employees from traveling to North Carolina. The reason is that NC has defended the rights of pastors, ministers, and priests not to be forced to marry gay couples, and not to force our children and grandchildren to use bathrooms and changing facilities with transgenders. Governor Cuomo seems to believe that woman do not have the right to protect their children, and that Christians do not deserve the right to stand on their faith or to practice what God requires them to.  To stand by God’s word, not Governor Cuomo’s.  Gov. Cuomo is willing to defend the LBGT and their rights, what about our rights?

WHEREAS, New York State is a national leader in protecting the civil rights and
liberties of all of its citizens;

But NY’s Governor Cuomo does not protect We the People with our God given liberties to practice and live by our faith. As a Christians you have no civil rights according to NY’s Governor Cuomo.

WHEREAS, the state of North Carolina has enacted legislation to bar transgender persons from using bathrooms and changing facilities corresponding to such persons’ gender identities, has excluded sexual orientation and gender identity from that state’s anti-discrimination protections, and has prohibited units of local government from extending such protections to lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and transgender (LGBT) citizens; 

The government has no right to force people into taking their sexual orientation classes. We the People have the God given right to say no. We stand on God’s word, not yours.This also allows men dressed as women to go into bathrooms and changing facilities with our daughters and grand daughters. The pedophiles will love this one, leaving our daughters and grand daughters just waiting to be their next victim. 

WHEREAS, New York State in 1945 enacted the first state law against discrimination in the nation, which now prohibits discrimination on many bases including age, race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, military status, sex, gender identity, marital status, and disability; 

Creed - an authoritative statement of the chief articles of Christian belief.

We the People see that religious discrimination (Creed) is ignored by Gov. Cuomo. Our rights as a Christian is being attacked all across our country, lead by Governors like Cuomo and the Gov. of Georgia. They allow special interest groups that support them and money their states receive from them to influence their decisions. Will Gov. Cuomo and other Governors be charged as an accessory the first time a pedophile dressed as a woman molests a child in an open bathroom or changing room?

WHEREAS, ensuring that persons are free from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity is a compelling state sanctioned government interest;

According to Gov. Cuomo, sexual orientation and gender identity over ride We the People’s religious freedoms. He is picking and choosing who the state will protect. He is basically telling Christians you can not stand on God’s word and you definitely can not practice your faith if it is against his chosen people, and he bullies any other state that will not stand with him.

WHEREAS, protecting New York State from inadvertently financing discrimination against protected classes, including sexual orientation and gender identity, is a compelling state sanctioned government interest;

This is and only is about protecting the LBGT, and no one else. We the People are left sitting on the sidelines, or jailed or fined. This is being bullied at its worst. Gov. Cuomo, We the People will not bow down to you, we will only bow down to God all Mighty and Jesus Christ.

WHEREAS, the state of North Carolina has enacted legislation to bar transgender persons from using bathrooms and changing facilities corresponding to such persons’ gender identities, has excluded sexual orientation and gender identity from that state’s anti-discrimination protections, and has prohibited units of local government from extending such protections to lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and transgender (LGBT) citizens; 

Again, it is all about the LGBT and what they want and no one else. Gov. Cuomo will give them what they want over all the people of faith. Why? All because North Carolina wanted to protect the freedoms of We the People of faith.

WHEREAS, in a free society the equal rights of all citizens, including LGBT citizens, must be protected and cherished;

No free society for We the People if you’re a Christians. No protection for you, and certainly you will not be cherished.  What happened to the LGBT’s motto. Be tolerant, accepts us for we are. No tolerance for Christians. No acceptance for those of the Christian faith or beliefs.

WHEREAS, in a free society the will of the many cannot be the basis for discrimination against the few;

What happened to We the People. When our vote counted, but now the judges throw our vote out, and they tell us what we must accept. When we vote, we must demand they obey the voice of We the People. A minority has the right to be respected, but not the right to demand we accept or believe what they demand. In America it was always the vote of the majority that won. Like it or not. Now if you don’t vote the way they want, they cry discrimination.

WHEREAS, it is the policy of the state of New York to promote fairness, protect the welfare of the citizens of the state of New York, and combat discrimination;

New York shows zero fairness towards We the People as Christians and our welfare. Governor Cuomo does not understand that we can not accept gay marriage. It is against God’s word and our faith, which is part of us. We can not separate from our faith. God’s Holy Spirit lives in us. We are one with God. We believe there is only one who can save us, and that is Jesus Christ.  God forgive them, they know not what they do.

NOW THEREFORE, I ANDREW M. CUOMO, Governor of the State of New York, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me by my office, the New York State Constitution, and the Statutes of the state of New York, do hereby ORDER AND DIRECT:

Governor Cuomo, your executive order can not order or direct We the People as Christians to go against God All Mighty. And you can not tell women they do not have the right to protect their children. Whose rights will you take away next?  This is discrimination at its worst. This singles out all We the People of faith, which our country was built on.

Governor Cuomo, this is America, land of the free. Not a dictatorship. You do not have the right to force us to accept what we can not. You don’t have the right to force other states from protecting our rights, even if you won’t.  God Bless America

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo executive order.

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