Sunday, June 16, 2024


He never said he loved me
Yes I know he did
He never showed his feelings
He always kept them hid
I wanted to hear those words
Mary I love you
My husband said you say it first
Maybe he’ll come through
It took all my courage to say
Dad I love you
I was afraid I’d get no answer
Yes my fear came true
My husband said it’s been so long
You can’t change him over night
You know he loves you don’t give up
His love for you shines bright
Then one night the ice broke
As I said dad I love you
It took allot for him to say
You know yah me too
It took three months of saying
Dad I love you
I finally heard those words from him
For me my dad came through
God my father in heaven
You know that I love you
But now I also know
You need to hear it too
Beloved, let us love one another,
for love is of God;  and everyone who
loves is born of God and knows God.
1 JOHN  4 : 7

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